
Thursday 3 June 2010

Chelsea Pensioners 1855-1872 now online at FindmyPast

From FindmyPast's blog:

We’ve just added 96,434 records and 437,825 images for the period 1855-1872 to our Chelsea Pensioners British Army Service Records collection on

This new batch of records brings the total amount of Chelsea Pensioners records and images on to 506,870 records and 3,196,935 images.

Here’s a reminder of the records you can find on the site and which are still to come:

Date range Apx no. records/images Available
WO97 1855-1872 96,434 437,825 Now
WO97 1873-1882 97,515 540,423 Now
WO97 1883-1900 312,921 2,218,687 Now
WO97 1760-1854 184,000 1.2 million By July 2010
WO97 1901-1913 303,000 2.1 million By August 2010
WO96 1806-1915 500,000 3.5 million By Sept 2011

There's more on the release at the FindmyPast blog.

Also on the blog - dogs in the 1911 English census! See

(Thanks to Amy Sell and Findmypast)

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