
Thursday 3 June 2010

Edinburgh based AddressingHistory project

There's an interesting new project on the go just now from the folks at EDINA and the National Library of Scotland. From the new AddressingHistory blog at

The AddressingHistory project, which runs from April to September 2010, will create an online tool which will enable a broad spectrum of users, both within and outwith academia (particularly local history groups and genealogists), to combine data from digitised historical Scottish Post Office Directories with contemporaneous historical maps.

The AddressingHistory project will be delivered by EDINA in partnership with the National Library of Scotland using materials already digitised under ongoing NLS programmes.

Crowd-sourcing through the AddressingHistory tool will, it is envisioned, lead to a fully geo-coded version of the digitised directories thus providing significant added-value to the general public, local historians and specialist researchers across multiple disciplines.

The project will focus on three eras of Edinburgh mapping and Post Office Directories (1784-5; 1865; 1905-6) however the technologies demonstrated will be scalable to the full collection of digitised materials which include 400 directories and associated maps covering the whole of Scotland.

So this looks like a possible pilot project for something that could get a lot bigger. As well as the blog, AddressingHistory can also be followed at Twitter, via http://twitter/AddressHistory.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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