
Sunday 13 June 2010

Get involved with AddressingHistory

On June 3rd I mentioned a new Edinburgh based project currently underway entitled Addressing History (see Edinburgh based AddressingHistory project). The team behind the venture has been receiving some positive feedback about its proposal to link street directories to the relvant contemporary maps, initially for the Edinburgh area, and so has now added a new page detaling how you can get involved once the project goes live.

For more information see

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting people know about the new page we've added.

    We would really love to hear from anyone interested in local history in Scotland so that we can build your needs into the AddressingHistory tool.

    Look forward to meeting some of you online (or offline) as the project progresses!

    - Nicola Osborne
    EDINA Social Media Officer & AddressingHistory Project Officer
