
Thursday 10 June 2010

HistoryPin site launches

There are two main resources for archival material that may help family historians with their research. There are archival repositories, the public and private bodies funded to retain priceless papers and documents for posterity. Then there's us, the people. We've all got drawers full of stuff that may not only be genealogically relevant to us, but also to others. Increasingly such material is being utiilised more and more by great online social networking and community archiving projects. The latest is an absolute cracker, with a lot of great potential...

HistoryPin ( is a site produced by We Are What We Do and Google which allows you to pin old photographs and associated stories onto Google Maps, and in a very nifty bit, to place the old photos against images of the same view as photographed today for Google's Street View. But enough from me - here's its own YouTube based promo:

As always, sometimes the simplest ideas can turn out to be the best...! Good luck to HistoryPin.

(Thanks to Lizzie Earl at HistoryPin)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you’re as enthusiastic about Historypin as we are and you’re keen to be part of this ambitious project. If you are, but perhaps you don’t have access to a scanner or perhaps have too many photos to scan. If so, we can help. is Historypin’s offical scanning partner. You can read more about what we do at If you’d like us to scan your photos we are offering a 10% discount if you mention this blog.
