
Friday 18 June 2010

Scottish golf exhibition at National Library of Scotland

You may be one of those, who unlike me, thinks that golf is in fact NOT a good walk ruined! If so, hold onto your golfing umbrellas, as a new exhibition is getting underway just for you...

The National Library of Scotland is running an exhibition from June 18th to November 14th entitled A Swing Through Time: Golf in Scotland at George IV Bridge Building, Edinburgh, with admission free.

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 10.00-20.00
18 June only: closed from 16.00-1730
Saturday: 10.00-17.00
Sunday: 14.00-17.00

For more information see

I should add that I regularly get a hole in one - on a Nintendo Wii that is...!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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