
Monday 26 July 2010

Guest post on Ancestry's UK blog

To tie in with the new release of Perthshire and Scottish records on, those loveable loves from loveville, I mean Ancestry, recently asked me to write the first ever guest post on their new blog.

It's now live at

And a quick word about library access - you can gain free access to the records at the collections at any library that has Ancestry's library edition, including all those in Perth and Kinross! The Perth and Kinross Archive also has many databases online which complement the release, including several militia databases which go hand in hand with Ancestry's 1802 Militia Act survey returns collection - to see P&K's collections, visit their online site.

(With thanks to Annabel for roping me into the blog post!)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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