
Sunday 25 July 2010

Now a member of the APG

I've dithered for a long time about whether to join a professional genealogy organisation, but have finally signed up to the internationally recognised Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), which is based in the United States.

Essentially this means that I agree to abide by the organisation's code of ethics (see within my genealogical research work, and at the same time it allows for any future clients to have a form of redress should they be unhappy with any work that I do (I haven't had a complaint yet - touch wood! lol)

My APG profile is now online at In the interests of fair competition, I should add that there are six other genealogists currently registered with the APG in Scotland, and many more across the British Isles.

In a nutshell - consider me now regulated! I look forward to helping with any future enquiries...

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. "...consider me now regulated" made me chuckle. I've been working on a query to send you....just trying to gather everything I already now. Now I will feel ever SO much safer ;-)

  2. Great stuff Diana, I look for ward to hearing from you. FYI I'll be away for most of this week, but send what you hve when you can and I'll do my best to get back to you asap!

