
Friday 9 July 2010

Scottish DNA Project, and FTDNA sale

The University of Strathclyde's Genealogical Studies department has launched its Scottish DNA Project site at, though the site is still in its infancy with various tutorials etc to be uploaded. The university appears to have taken over the running of the project set up initially by John Hansen in 2001. From the website's front page, its mission is noted as:

a) To provide DNA information for all clans and families of Scottish ancestry
b) To provide reference sources whereby individuals can find best-match DNA results and genealogy information
c) To provide education and information on genetic genealogy

There is a dedicated blog at which will in due course be used to provide updates to the project, and there's a useful list of clan based DNA projects on the site at

Administering the venture is Alasdair MacDonald - one of genealogy's good guys! Ali is an Edinburgh based genealogist who also has his own dedicated blog at

Also on the DNA front, the Anglo-Celtic Connections blog is reporting that FamilyTree DNA is holding a sale on Y-DNA test upgrades until July 19th. Full details are available at

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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