
Monday 5 July 2010

SS Arandora Star and Italian Scots community

Documents concerning the sinking of the SS Arandora Star off the coast of Ireland by a German U-boat on July 2nd 1940 are currently on display at the National Archives of Scotland's premises at West Register House, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, as part of its "Open Secret" exhibition. The sinking of the vessel was notable for the loss of Italian internees on board, who were being sent to Canada as 'enemy aliens', having been arrested upon the outbreak of the Second World War. Of the 446 Italians on board, 94 were from Scotland.

For more information, see

* Staying with civilian internees, my own project to identify the 5500 British civilian POWs interned at Ruhleben near Berlin during the First World War has passed a significant milestone, now standing at 2008 internees. I'm not only trying to identify who was there, but also to create short biographies of each of those interned.

For more on The Ruhleben Story, see my free to view site at

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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