
Wednesday 11 August 2010

More on Ancestry's new probate records

Ancestry has a new front page for the probate records collection for England and Wales announced on this blog yesterday, located at

It also includes a short UK produced video with Dan Jones from the company and gives a bit of a behind the scenes as to how they were scanned, but mainly shows what they can be used for. (Pah - who needs Hollywood!)

Incidentally, equivalent probate calendars for Scottish records exist from 1877-1959, and can be found at the National Archives of Scotland and at various local institutions - the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, for example, has copies up to the 1930s, and if you are overseas, the FamilySearch catalogue has them listed, so they can be ordered up in microform. Further Scottish wills are currently being digitised beyond 1902 up to 1925 by the NAS/ScotlandsPeople folk and will be made available in the near future.

But do check the English calendars on Ancestry also for Scots - as Caroline Gurney pointed out in her comment on my last post, there are some 113,000 Scots mentioned including instances where confirmation was granted in Scotland and also recorded by the English court. Irish entries will also be there (and I've just heard from Bob Forrest over in Northern Ireland that there are some 69150 entries under Ireland, 3780 for Derry, 23,363 for Dublin etc - thanks Bob).

So that's English and Welsh records now online for the 20th century, and Scotland soon to add more. (Ahem, Ireland, ahem!) Terrible cough I'm developing...! :)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. I think all the Scottish Wills & Testaments up to 1925 are now digitised and available on Virtual Volumes in the NAS searchrooms but you do still have to use the Calendars of Confirmations and Inventories to check for relevant entries, then use the catalogues to find the right volume numbers.

    Bit longwinded but a lot quicker than waiting 24 hours for them to be brought in from TTH!


  2. Useful to know Kirsty, many thanks. I'm heading to the NAS tomorrow, so will check it out.

