
Wednesday 4 August 2010

My Heritage update

From My Heritage (, a couple of new features:

The first feature is a redesign of our profile pages. In essence, you can now add far more details to the entries of your ancestors and family members on the website. Adoptions, career changes, special memories, nicknames, favourite sayings, likes, dislikes, and lots of other stuff can now be added, to add real colour to the entries of family members on the site. There are other neat things, too, like a 'life trail' showing the key events of their life on a geographical map. (You can find a *long* blog entry on all this here:

The second feature is a new backup service. The data on our site is secure, but it also only does what the user tells it to do. We've found a lot of people make changes to their tree, or overwrite details in error, and wish they could go back and restore what they had before. This service makes automatic backups of the tree, so you can go back and restore it a point in the past - and from any computer. (A link to a slightly shorter blog post, here:

(With thanks to Robert Barham at My Heritage)

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