
Friday 20 August 2010

National Gaelic Gazetteer launched

A new national Gaelic place-names gazetteer has been launched onlined entitled Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA) - Gaelic Place-Names of Scotland. From the site:

The National Gazetteer is a database freely available to the public. It will provide a single source of authoritative information on Gaelic forms of place-names, including the research by which names have been determined, links to bibliographical information and a six figure grid reference which links to a map to locate each name. At present there are 1,000 entries covering places throughout . Work will continue to add further research and sound files to assist with pronunciation, and to expand the number of entries.

The gazetteer is funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and will form part of the corpus of reliable Gaelic resources envisioned in the National Plan for Gaelic.

The site provides correct spelling, brief history of usage and pronunciation guides for individual placenames, but advises that the database is still in its early stages. The partners in the AÀA projects are:

• Argyll and Bute Council
• Bòrd na Gàidhlig
• Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
• Comunn na Gàidhlig
• Highlands and Islands Enterprise
• Ordnance Survey
• Scottish Natural Heritage
• Scottish Place-Name Society
• The Highland Council
• The Scottish Government
• The Scottish Parliament
• UHI Millennium Institute

The project employs two full time members of staff one based at the Sabhal Mòr Ostaig college on Skye, the other in Edinburgh.

To access the gazetteer visit For those using the Scottish GENES toolbar (see above), I have placed it under Maps, Gazetteers and Land History menu. For an Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) equivalent visit

(With thanks to genealogist Sheena Tait via

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