
Sunday 1 August 2010

Scottish offerings from the Genealogist

The Genealogist website ( has announced a new Diamond subscription. Although the site is predominantly concerned with English and Welsh records, its new subscription does provide access to some new Scottish material, though it looks like it is only available just now through the Diamond subscription - which may mean it can be pricey if you don't have any English connections. Rather weirdly, most of the Scottish records are listed in the "International" section (I think I'm missing something here!), along with some other resources for India, Australia and Ireland.

The new Scottish additions are:

1406-1700 Roll of Edinburgh Burgesses and Guild-Brethren
1849-1850 Glasgow Post Office Directory
1923-1924 Aberdeen Post Office Directory
1930-31 Edinburgh & Leith Post Office Directory
1930 (Circa) The Official Guide to Edinburgh
1763-1801 Aberdeenshire baptisms - Bairnie, Tillydesk

Also for Ireland:

1905 Belfast Kelly's Directory
1905 Connaught Kelly's Directory
1905 Dublin Kelly's Directory
1905 Leinster Kelly's Directory
1905 Munster Kelly's Directory
1905 Ulster Kelly's Directory
1927 Ireland Directory
1927 Ireland MP's Directory
1927 Ireland Trade Directory

The new subscription does however also offer access to the War Illustrated magazine from 1914-Feb 1918 and a great deal of English material, a lot of it from the previous Gold subscription, but also a lot of new content. A full list is at

The new sub costs £98 for now, though that is an early bird discount price, which will rise by £50 in due course. For more, see

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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