
Thursday 2 September 2010

Discover my Past Scotland 23 now on sale

This month's Discover my Past Scotland (issue 23, September 2010) is now on sale. So what's included? Och, I'm so glad you asked, any excuse for a good blether - here goes!

Gateways to the world - Scotland's maritime links
Scottish freemasons - From poets to presidents
Blogs for the family historian
Valentines of Dundee Our pictorial heritage
Trace your blacksmith ancestors
Spotlight on - Kintyre
Expert Q&A
Family history newsround, library and events

Just £2.50, a price to bring a tear of happiness to the eye, and available from Enjoy!

PS: Don't forget DMPS is now on Facebook at !

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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