
Monday 20 September 2010

Forthcoming talks by yours truly

A quick heads up to say that if you have nothing to do tomorrow night and you are in Ayrshire, I will be doing an introductory talk at Alloway and Southern Ayrshire FHS on DNA and Genealogy - specifically the basic ideas behind it, where it can be used, how it can be helpful and recent developments - but also where to be wary of it as a 'magic solution' to your brick wall problems. For details see

On October 5th I will be doing a talk on Online Irish Resources for family history at West Lothian FHS - this one is usually packed when I do it! For more on this see the Syllabus page at I may be wearing a black arm band on this night, as three hours after it finishes I turn 40...!

From October 18th-25th I will also be doing a Scottish talks roadshow in Australia. These will include a basic introduction to Scottish research, and also closer examinations of land and church records, and will be held at family history societies in Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia, as well as at the Sydney Expo on October 22nd-23rd - further details at and

Following that, I will also be doing a talk at Lanarkshire FHS on the Mount Stewart Murder, the subject of my next book and the UK's longest unsolved murder case. The victim was my 3 x great grandmother. This will be on November 11th, and will basically examine the anatomy of a Scottish Victorian murder investigation, how to research its progress and its consequences (there's a real sting in the tail with this one). It will not just confine itself to the murder, there will be other examples included also. Further details at

Look forward to hopefully seeing you somewhere along the line...!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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