
Sunday 26 September 2010

More on English and Welsh 1939 National Register

An Irish genealogist called Steven Smyrl has been in touch to say he has secured more information from the English 1939 National Register, the accession of which was recently made available to the general public thanks to a Freedom of Information application by Yorkshire based genealogist Guy Etchells which subsequently paved the way earlier this year (see 1939 NHS 'census' to be made available in England and Wales, 1939 update - the decision and 1939 England and Wales: new service at £42 per look up ).

Although first created in 1939, the register remained in use until the early 1950s, and contains updates to a person's status from the initial enumeration at the start of the war. In this case, a date of death was requested from the NHSIC, which holds the records. This was rejected, but an appeal was was upheld by the Information Commissioner and the NHSIC was forced to release the date of death in question, which happened in 1948.

As part of the NHSIC's response, the body has stated that “in future any requests for information about date and place of death, where we hold this information, will be part of the 1939 National Register Cost Recovery Service”. This service was introduced earlier in the year, whereby a request for look ups from the NHSIC costs £42, with the relevant application form available at Mr Smyrl suggests that if making any applications in future, make sure that you ask for ALL information as recorded in the register.

(With thanks to Steven Smyrl)

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