
Thursday 16 September 2010

National Library's maps room on the move

The National Library of Scotland's maps room is on the move. From the NLS site:

Relocation of Maps Reading Room, September 2010

The Maps Reading Room will be moving, with the new room due to open on Tuesday 21 September.

We will remain in the same building, but move to street level, so there will no longer be any stairs to climb! Our bright new entrance will be round the corner at 159 Causewayside.

The move will take place over the September holiday weekend. The Reading Room will be closed from Saturday 18 to Monday 20 September inclusive.

We hope to minimise disruption as we prepare for the move. We are re-organising our reading room material in advance. Some of this, along with desks and shelving, will be moving during September.

We apologise for any inconvenience, and we hope that you will come and visit us in the new reading room.

Our new postal address will be:

Map Collections
National Library of Scotland
Causewayside Building
159 Causewayside
Scotland, UK

Our email address and telephone numbers will remain unchanged.

If you would like any further information, contact Maps Collections or email

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