
Tuesday 7 September 2010

Scottish adoption - recommended book

Whilst in the ScotlandsPeople Centre in Edinburgh earlier I had a quick browse in the bookshop and came across an excellent book which may help if you are adopted and wish to trace your biological parents, or if you have given a child up for adoption and wish to trace that child.

Entitled Relatively Clear: A Search for Adopted People in Scotland, the book has been produced by Edinburgh based after-adoption charity Birthlink (published 2009). It not only is useful for those wishing to trace family, but is also a useful book for genealogists who wish to know more about the law surrounding adoption, where to search for various record types etc - though I should add that in such cases I would always refer a client to an agency such as Birthlink, who are the professionals when it comes to dealing with some of the many emotional issues which may be presented along the way. The book also describes how Birthlink and other agencies can help with issues such as counselling and potential reunions.

Priced at £8.99, the book can be obtained at the ScotlandsPeople Centre, and also from Birthlink itself - see

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm finding that more and more people are asking adoption questions when doing their genealogy.
