
Sunday 31 October 2010

Comann Eachdraidh Uig website

Comann Eachdraidh Uig, the historical society for Uig on the Isle of Lewis, has recently revamped its website at The new site is absolutely packed with resources, including the first two statistical accounts for the region, a description of the parish from 1749 by the Rev. Norman Morrison, old school photos, notes on religion and education, lists of old soldiers and a Roll of Honour, the names of locals who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada, a timeline, a new discussion forum, a list of shielings (plus photos), various photo galleries and much, much more. In short, direach sgoinneil - bloody brilliant...!

If you have ancestors from Uig, make sure you visit, and don't forget Hebridean Connections also at!

Also - for an irreverent 'history' of Stornoway, visit !

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