
Friday 1 October 2010

National Library of Scotland licensed online resources

Here's a significant development, announced in the Scotsman newspaper today and tweeted about by genealogist Sheena Tait, to whom thanks are given.

The National Library of Scotland has an online registration system for anyone in Scotland to sign up to, which will allow significant access to many digitised resources inclusing the Scotsman newspaper archive (1817-1950) and the Times Digital Archive. I'm not sure if it includes the British Library 19th C newspaper collection, though would be surprised if it didn't. There are also many digitised book resources and other materials.

The full story is at I registered today, and after submitting username, password and registration details, I received an email saying I would have to await a validation code in the post, which must be input within the next 21 days before access is granted.

Further information on the NLS website can be found at

Just to add there are of course many fabulous collections on the NLS website ( which do not require registration, including the excellent online maps collection.

UPDATE: No need to wait for validation code - you can get stuck in straight away! But put code in within 3 weeks. Scotsman is there, British Lib 19th C collection, Parliamentary Papers, Times Digital Archive and much more - goldmine! :)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Sheer discrimination! What about us Scots who (through no fault of our own) have to live/work in other parts of the UK, and are thereby barred from this access?! I'd love to be able to use these resources in my research ... c'mon NLS - is it even legal to discriminate like this within the UK?

  2. Where's the discrimination? As far as I am aware, English people in Scotland will also be allowed access, and Welsh, Irish, Indian, Moslem, Christian, Jew, Satanist and atheist!

    The easiest solution though is probably just to get someone you know in Scotland to register on your behalf!


  3. Hi Chris,

    Read your email from NLS! You do not have to wait for letter. For once I beat you to it, (tiny article in Herald today). I registered, used temporary login, changed password, and have been happily trawling through all that is available. Brilliant, to give free access to these sites is amazing!!!

