
Tuesday 2 November 2010

New blog - Walking in Eternity

Hello all, I've started up a separate blog entitled Walking in Eternity, where I hope to occasionally talk, rant, waffle and muse over things genealogical and otherwise, in a bid to try to keep me being less opinionated here, though that will occasionally still happen (you can take me from Norn Iron, but you can't take Norn Iron from me!)!

Not really sure what I'll be doing with it, other than using it to talk about non-news type stuff, occasional research findings, oppressive brick walls, occasional tips, and perhaps even appeals for help! It will be a place to put infrequent posts and occasionally blether inanely. Hope you can pop by - the blog is at and will develop in due course.

Scottish GENES has been here for nearly three years now and continues to go from strength to strength - no guarantees on the new blog though, let's see what happens!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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