
Sunday 14 November 2010

Thanks to Lanarkshire FHS, and forthcoming talks

A HUGE thanks to Lanarkshire Family History Society ( for its warm hospitality once again, at the talk I gave on Thursday concerning the Mount Stewart Murder of 1866, which seemed to go down well!

That's me all talked out now until February! I'll be leading a writers workshop with Largs Writing Group at the Masonic Hall, Gateside Street, from 10-12 on February 7th 2011, and then giving two talks on using Irish records online in March - at the Saint Patrick's Festival on Saturday March 12th at Coatbridge Library (time to be confirmed) and then again at the joint meeting of the four Ayrshire family history societies on Wednesday March 23rd 2011 at the Session House, St. Columba's Parish Church, Largs, from 7.30pm.

On June 18th I will then be off on my travels again! I will be talking at a Scottish genealogy workshop in Toronto as a guest of the Ontario Genealogical Society, with a series of talks on various aspects of Scottish research, which should be fun - very much looking forward to it! More details on all of the above in due course...

But there is no rest for the wicked - I have two more books to write before June, and a lot of client work to carry on with - and a huge apology to those who have been waiting for me, but there is now light at the end of the tunnel, and I'll be in touch in due course!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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