
Monday 22 November 2010

WDYTYA? Live - new organisers

Who Do You Think You Are? Live today has new management, after BBC Magazines Bristol bought a majority share in the venture. The company publishes Who Do You Think You Are? magazine, and this is an interesting development considering that a few months ago BBC Magazines were apparently under serious threat of being sold off!

Under the previous organisers, Brand Events Ltd, many family history societies and vendors found the annual WDYTYA? Live event a seriously expensive venture to attend - many did not bother, and last year some societies organised a separate venture at the Barbican entitled The Family History Event in protest, though a follow up up event next year has now been cancelled due to lack of support. Perhaps now the BBC has acquired an interest in the WDYTYA? Live venture it may consider the public interest with regard to the FHSs and considerably reduce the table prices - we'll see! But if you are a society that has been concerned, I would suggest now is a good time to make your feelings known to the new owners!

The full announcement of the BBC Magazines take over is reported by Thomas MacEntee at his Geneabloggers blog post at - with many thanks to Thomas.

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  1. Thanks for the shout out Chris! Just want to say that I got hold of this info via the Google Alerts that I had set up. Google Alerts are a gold mine of info for genealogists!

  2. Thanks Thomas - Google Alerts are great, agreed!

