
Sunday 5 December 2010

New from Scottish GENES - The British GENES Daily

The Scottish GENES blog deliberately confines itself to matters that may be of interest to those researching Scottish ancestors, whether within Scotland or elsewhere, but many of you will also have an interest in non-Scottish related materials.

As many of you know, I have a Twitter presence at #chrismpaton. One of the advantages of communicating with other gene genies on Twitter is that many of them, like myself, will post messages containing links to new websites, blog posts or interesting genealogical stories of the day. As a new service, I have now created The British GENES Daily, an e-newspaper that essentially draws its material from these links automatically each evening, with daily stories from many professional genealogists with a lot of experience, top genealogical records vendors and magazine providers, and other keen enthusiasts with never ending enthusiasm and lots to say! Launched last week, I had initially named the site The Scottish GENES Daily, but the scope of the content goes well beyond Scotland and encompasses much more from across the UK, and so the new title seems a fairer reflection of what it carries.

The British GENES Daily is available each evening at 8.00pm from You can subscribe to the site as you would with this blog, or just bookmark and dip in whenever is convenient. All part of my efforts to continue to spread the word, and as ever, free of charge!

Also, this blog has now been running for three years, with its three year 'blogiversary' on December 22nd. I am debating whether to expand the remit of the site to become a full British news blog, or to remain a dedicated full time resource for Scotland - or possibly to do both. There are pros and cons for each possibility - should this blog continue in its present form, or would you wish to see more content from across the UK? If you have any strong opinions either way, please do contact me or leave a comment below in the comments section. Whatever happens, rest assured that Scottish content will always remain the priority - Alba gu bragh!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Because my genealogy specialty is "Scots" you know I would love to see the blog continue as a specifically Scottish resource.
    Having said that, I have to acknowledge that all things evolve and change. So go with your own flow, Chris, and do what feels best for you and the blog. It will be fabulous.

  2. Thanks Dianne,

    I've had a few responses by email tonight asking me to stay with Scottish material only, and one or two who would be happy to see more from around the UK. I'll see what other responses I get over the next few days, before making a decision, but thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  3. Not an easy one but with my main line of ancestry coming from Cumberland/Westmorland (as they were) there has been much interplay between residence in the two countries.

    One of the the main difficulties is trying to link an England resident b. in Scotland with their Scottish family. So at least some overlapping would, I suggest, be advantageous.

    However, I do think that your Blogs should largely relate to Scotland.

  4. Keep them separate !!
    Ian in Canada

  5. I'd personally be in favour of it remaining predominantly Scottish, but as you, me and loads of others have a lot of Irish ancestry, how about the British Isles Genealogy News - BIG News?

    I will still keep reading whatever you decide.

  6. I already do big news...! :) lol I do actually cover a lot of Irish developments, simply because there is a massive Irish impact on the west of Scotland, so many find themselves with an Irish ancestor within a couple of generations. Also becasue I'm Northern Irish and I want to stay on top of what is happening back there...!



  7. Hi Chris,
    Being totally selfish I would prefer your blog to stay as a Scottish/Irish resource!

  8. I think I can see the way the wind is blowing on this one...! lol :)

