
Friday 3 December 2010

Registers of Scotland price rises

Thanks to Michael at Strathclyde University for information on further government inspired price rises that will hit the historian and family historian.

I've just spoken to Registers Of Scotland ( in Glasgow, to confirm that it too will be increasing its rates from January 10th 2011. Registers of Scotland is the body you turn to for information on house history, including information from the Land Register and pre 1978 sasines and search sheets.

Until now the searches performed by staff have been free, with the returned search sheets costing £1.80 each +VAT. This will now increase to £3 per sheet +VAT - but there will now also be a new search fee introduced of £12 per title sheet search if you attend their premises in either Glasgow or Edinburgh.
However, if you make the request by letter or email, the search fee will be £8, rather than £12.

Still - ouch again!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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