
Tuesday 11 January 2011

Auchindrain connections?

Noted on the Aberdeen and North East Scotland FHS Facebook page:

"If anyone here has any connections to Auchindrain, the last uncrofted township in Argyll, I would love to hear from you.

"As part of a major project developing the future of the township museum I am working on the genealogy of all the families. We want to hear about anyone from the community.

"Also spelt : Thornfield, Achindrain, Achandryan"

If you have such a connection, the Achadh an Droighinn Folks page can be found on Facebook at According to its site branches of the following families are predominant from the area: McCallum, Munro, Sinclair, McNicol and Campbell.

The organiser, based in Inverary, can also be emailed at auchindrainpeople @

Best of luck to the project!

(With thanks to ANESFHS)

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