
Friday 21 January 2011

Irish Physicians catalogue goes online

On behalf of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland:

The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland is delighted to announce the launch of its new online archive catalogue

The RCPI archive is currently undertaking a 21 month Wellcome Trust funded project to catalogue for the first time its archival holdings. As part of this project the new online archive catalogue has just been launched and can be accessed via the Heritage Centre Web pages -

The RCPI archive is one of the most important resources for the history of medicine and medical education in Ireland, but the collections have been underused in the past because of the lack of a detailed catalogue. The new online catalogue aims to remedy this by allowing users to search the catalogue by key words, terms, dates or names, with descriptions from whole collection to individual item level. At the moment the catalogue contains records of four of the archival collections – the Kathleen Lynn’s Diaries, the Saint Ultan’s Hospital Papers, the Sir Patrick Dun’s Hospital Papers and the papers of Sir Dominic Corrigan (a leading mid-nineteenth century physicians and president of the College). Over the next twelve months the archive intends to release catalogues for the majority of the archives holdings.

To find out more about the archive and its collections please visit our web pages or blog or contact the archivist;

Harriet Wheelock
Email: harrietwheelock @
Tel: +353 1 6698817

(With thanks to the RCPI and Simon Fowler)

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