
Friday 14 January 2011

Join the Circle of Gentlemen for £50

The Circle of Gentlemen, a secret society of Jacobite supporters who regularly met from 1748, just two years following the utter catastrophe of Culloden and its less than glorious aftermath, until the late 18th century, and which was re-opened in the 1990s by Jacobite enthusiasts, has now decided anyone can join if they pay £50 annual membership, which the site states will reduce to £30 annually thereafter ("subject to change"). 10% of funds raised will go to rescuing artefacts from the Jacobite campaign era for the nation, a recent example being a tartan cloth which once hung as a curtain in Culloden House, near Inverness, when Bonnie Prince Charlie had requisitioned the property during the campaign.

The BBC has the story at, whilst the society's website can be found at The society also has a shop on its website where you can buy lots of Sir Walter Scottish accessories, and as a member there is access to a private forum on the site and other resources. The site also states on its membership page that "Perhaps we may once again march on Derby!".

I suspect the good folk of Derby will be able to continue to sleep safely in their sleep...!

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