
Tuesday 11 January 2011

Travel through Doctor Who's ancestry

I don't normally carry celeb stuff, but the science fiction kid here has just come across the following! A booklet examining the ancestry of William Hartnell, the first actor to play Doctor Who, as well as a sergeant in the Carry On film series, has just been released.

From the Doctor Who News Page:

The 31 page booklet, WHO Do You Think You Are? - A Genealogical Enquiry Into the Ancestry of William Hartnell, TV's First Doctor Who digs into the most cobwebbed of corners illuminating Hartnell's earliest years and those of his ancestors, going right back to the 1500s. There's a few surprises and a couple of scandals throughout the journey!

For more on the story see Copies of the booklet are available on eBay at

Watch out for that Police Box on Glasgow's Buchanan Street!

(With thanks to the
Doctor Who News Page)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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