
Thursday 3 February 2011

Apprentices database on FindmyPast

The Apprentices of Great Britain 1710-1774 database which was previously on is now on FindmyPast ( It includes information on Scottish apprentices from the tax records of masters who had to pay a duty.

The collection is one of many launched on the site which have been sourced from the London based Society of Genealogists. Other databases which may be of interest to Scots include the Trinity House Calendars 178701854 (concerning merchant seamen) and the PCC wills database from 1700-1750. You may also find some items of interest in the more English focussed databases however - I just typed in the name Paton into the Teachers’ Registration Council Registers 1914-1948 collection, and was stunned to find a teaching record for my grandfather's cousin!

The full details on the release can be read at

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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