
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Big thanks to Karen Foy

So here I am, reviewing Karen Foy's new book Family History for Beginners for Discover my Past England magazine, when suddenly my name pops up on page 123!

Ahem, and I quote...!

"I’ve just discovered Scottish forebears in my tree. Is there a book you would recommend which would give me a good overview of this area of research?

"For an easy-to-follow guide which is packed with good advice then Chris Paton’s Researching Scottish Family History is a great place to start. At 120 pages long it offers a relaxed approach to the subject and points you in the right direction to get the most out of the archives, records and resources available."

Now clearly, clearly, I am not at all going to be influenced with such a blatant attempt to win my support, no sirree, not this soldier, this wee shuggie will remain editorially independent, incorruptible, and dedicated to the task at hand. For we British - nay, those of us with Scottish blood in our veins, and the fire of Ulster in our souls - are so much more than that, and would never, NEVER, stoop so low.



Actually - it is very good! See - £13.49

And you'll also find that wee Scottish number at !!!

(Thanks Karen!)

UPDATE: Oh here, I'm going to faint! - p.220, bibliography: Researching Scottish Family History by Chris Paton. The perfect guide for helping you to untangle your Scottish roots. The Family History Partnership, 2010, paperback ISBN 978-19062-8022-2 :) So there you go then. It's official! :) lol

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

1 comment:

  1. How great for you! Both books look like a treasure trove of information!
