
Saturday 5 February 2011

FindmyPast - military deserters

I've just been playing with the FindmyPast site again (, having spent a bit of time looking at the excellent new Society of Genealogists records collections there. Whilst doing so, I have just come across another collection which must have been staring me in the face for ages, as I have not clocked its appearance before. The collection is Military Army Deserters (1828-1840) - here's the description:

Military Army Deserters (1828-1840)
This index of army deserters includes over 17,000 born in England, Wales or overseas, over 5,000 born in Scotland, and over 12,000 born in Ireland.

It's just one of several collections found in the 'Other Records' tab, but surely this should go into the Military section?! Either way, it contains evidence of 5000 very unhappy Scots in the British Army, and another 12,000 Irishmen, and so may well be worth a quick search during your ancestral pursuits...!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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