
Friday 11 February 2011

Forthcoming Irish developments

The Rootstech conference is currently underway in Utah, and I've been following the tweets of the National Archives' Audrey Collins today at a talk given by Brian Donovan of Eneclann. Audrey writes a blog called The Family Recorder at and tweets at @audreycollins23. She's been reporting all sorts of developments, one or two I'm familiar with, and what seems like dozens which I am not!

Here are some of Audrey's tweets:

* Irish GRO are re-keying their indexes, but progress is slow. But FamilySearch have indexes online up to 1958 :)

* The future: Tithe Applotment books begin digitised by

* National Library has Catholic registers, will be digitised, may go online

* Irish Registry of Deeds set up 1707, 600k registered up to 1830, 1.5 million 1830-1929, digitisation may start late 2011

* Landed Estates Court records, from mid-C19th now indexed, online in 2-3 months. Sale catalogues of estates being broken up

* Irish prison records c4-6 million prisoners C19th, online this summer with Eneclann, details of families & victims too

* Irish Petty Sessions, from 1821, full record keeping from 1851, 15 million cases to 1910, phased release online from mid-2011

* Irish Revolutionary period 1912-23. Some already on Eneclann CDs, more online soon, including TNA (Kew) records :)

* 35K Army search and raid reports, court martial records, intelligence files to come

Audrey is also blogging about her time at the conference (she is also giving a talk there), so keep up with her developments at The Family Recorder or sign up to her account at Twitter!

(With a huge thanks to Audrey!)

UPDATE: One other detail from Marie Dougan (@dougangene):

* Looking forward to lots more Irish records online from Eneclann #rootstech. New website to be launched St Patrick's day!

(Thanks also to Marie)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Thanks for this great tip, Chris.

  2. No probs, though credit should go to Audrey, Brian and Marie really! :)

