
Friday 18 February 2011

Free parking to continue at TNA

Good news on parking at the National Archives in Kew:

Visitors' parking at The National Archives

17 February

In 2009, we announced our intention to charge for our visitors' car park as part of a wider savings exercise. However, we delayed the implementation date as we were dissatisfied with the technical solution offered to manage our car park bookings, as it did not meet our rigorous customer service standards. The technical problems have now been resolved but the intervening 18-month period since the original announcement has provided an opportunity to reassess our financial position, and we have therefore decided to extend the free parking period.

We will keep the situation under review. However, assuming there are no new external pressures, we anticipate the free parking period will continue for 12 months.

(With thanks to Roger Lewry at the Federation of Family History Societies)

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