
Monday 28 February 2011

Interview with Roots Ireland's Karel Kiely

Long term readers of the blog will remember the frustrations I used to vent about the Irish Family History Foundation website, now known as RootsIreland ( which used to be next to impossible for research purposes, for the simple reason that it cost far too much and had very limited search fields. It was a cry shared by many - but in this case, the story has had an unbelievably happy ending. The IFHF listened to its users and recently radically overhauled the site, with price discounts, extensive search fields added via a new Advanced Search facility, and much more.

I caught up with the group's Karel Kiely at Who Do You Think You Are Live and not only learned that the changes are still ongoing, but also discussed the state of Irish genealogy as a whole in a time of economic devastation on the island of Ireland. Is the genealogy and family history industry actually one area that can radically grow in troubled times?

RootsIreland is a great site now, doing great things - a huge thanks to Karel for the interview, and to the team for taking the steps to really push the site to where it needed to be and to where it happily now sits, as one of Ireland's premier genealogy sites.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Even newer book!)

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