
Sunday 20 February 2011

Irish digitisation news update

Audrey Collins has posted a blog post on future developments on the Irish records digitisation front, based on a talk she attended at Rootstech, and given by Brian Donovan of Eneclann. A key development which I think will benefit everyone is the launch later this year of various all Ireland court records collections.

(Thanks to Audrey as ever!)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Even newer book!)


  1. Thanks for the mention, Chris, which seems to have sent quite a lot of traffic towards my blog.

    There is so much wonderful Irish material that would be very popular if it could be put online. Let's hope this is just the start.

  2. No problems Audrey. I suspect the floodgates will open soon - Ireland is in such a dire economic situation just now that it would be mad not to start investing in its own heritage as an industry. Fingers crossed.


  3. I wish some of the Heritage Centers would update their sources. One of my areas, Tyrone, is heavy on Catholic records, but regrettably, my ancestry in this area is non-Catholic. They haven't updated in ages.

    There are almost no records for Fermanagh (church) from the Heritage Center, and Monaghan doesn't even have a HC.

    That is my biggest stumbling block, lack of access to church BMD records. I'm at the point where I need those more than anything and I don't have the funds to pay someone (plus it's more fun to do it myself!) or fly over there.

  4. I feel your pain Bonnie! I have ancestors from Magheraculmoney in Fermanangh, and short of a seance, I am fast running out of options!

    Did not know that there was no centre in Monaghan, useful info, thanks.

