
Monday 7 February 2011

Thanks to Largs Writing Group

A big thank you to Largs Writing Group, who hosted me this morning for a talk about writing articles on genealogy, writing for television, and all sorts. I'd never spoken to a writers' group before, and have never really given a thought about how I do it (I just do it!), so this was quite daunting! I managed to discuss some of what I did in television production, how that easily translated into my genealogical work now, the genealogy and other magazines and opportunities that exist for those wanting to write up their family histories for publication and more. Also managed to give advice on a few research enquiries along the way, some very extraordinary people there!

And a big thanks also for lunch afterwards at the Lounge! :) (They do a nice steak pie there for lunch for those interested!)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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