
Tuesday 15 February 2011

War of 1812 project update

Michael Dun has kindly been in touch to provide me with an update to his simply brilliant War of 1812: Privateers web project at

Michael has added two new datasets to the project:

The Register for Letters of Marque against France 1793-1815 (PDF)

Letters of marque were basically licences issued to merchant vessels allowing them the right to attack and capture enemy vessels. Michael's database has been sourced from two Admiralty collections at the National Archives at Kew, ADM 7/328 [1793-1801] and ADM 7/649 [1803-1815]. The records have been ordered by master’s name and vessel name, ands there is also a vessel index.

UK POWs held in the United States during the War of 1812

Again, sourced from TNA (ADM 103/466) and including the names of some 15,000 army, navy and merchant navy prisoners held in the United States.

(With thanks to Michael)

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