
Monday 21 February 2011

Who Do You Think You Are? Live

I'm off to London Tuesday morning at 7.15am for six days, to do a couiple of days research at the National Archives at Kew, and then to spend four days at London Olympia, preparing for and then working at Who Do You Think You Are? Live.

I'll be working on the Family and Local History Handbook stall with Bob and Liz Blatchford for three days, pushing out the new edition (number 13), and also doing an hour on the Association of Professional Genealogists stand on Sunday from 1-2. Whilst there my new book will go on sale, Tracing Your Family History on the Internet, which you can find on the Pen and Sword stand, and I'm more than happy to answer any questions on your Scots research or otherwise!

I'll do my best to blog from the venue and to tweet if I can, and hope to grab a few video interviews with folk also whilst there.

Say hi if you read this blog - and I'll see you soon!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Even newer book!)

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