
Wednesday 2 March 2011

English & Welsh BMDs - the public to the rescue?

A group seeking to implement a new "Big Society" solution to what it sees as the re-privitisation of public genealogical records is getting underway with a campaign to finish off the project that the British Government has recently spectacularly failed twice to do so itself - the new English and Welsh GRO index to births, marriages and deaths.

As part of the Open Rights Group, the new group is styling itself the Open Genealogy Alliance, and you can read more on its new blog at

(With thanks to Rosemary Morgan via Twitter)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Even newer book!)

1 comment:

  1. Re-working the GRO's BMD indexes would be a huge waste of time and money. This is severely flawed data

    The focus needs to be on the original BMD records held by the local register offices.

    Fortunately, this is underway already:
    UKBMD's Local BMD
