
Tuesday 1 March 2011

Interview with Valmay Young of FIBIS

I managed to catch a few minutes with Valmay Young, aka @fibiswebmaster on Twitter, who discussed the work of the Families in British India Society (, and the wearing of funny hats!

(With thanks to Valmay)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Even newer book!)


  1. Very interested in your interview with Valmay Young - the webmaster at FIBIS about researching in India and using the FIBIS website as I have Irish and Scottish ancestors who went out to India with the East India Company so I shall definately have a look at the FIBIS site to see if I can find out anything. Thank you

  2. What a dynamic and tuned-in webmaster Valmay is. I would think that all family history websites will follow her example on day. FIBIS is very lucky to have her
