
Thursday 17 March 2011

Linen Hall Library postcard images

From the Linen Hall Library website in Belfast:

For the first time ever, members of the public can purchase digitised images from the archives of Belfast’s historic Linen Hall Library through the Internet. Over 6,000 postcards from the Library’s vast Irish postcard collection are now available to buy. The development marks a new chapter in the Library’s history, and plans are afoot to digitise a continuing series of material including maps, cartoons, posters and more!

This is an unparalleled opportunity to capture a piece of Ireland from days gone by. The collection boasts a huge variety of images including unspoilt landscapes, old family photographs, cityscapes, well known landmarks and political postcards from every corner of the country.

The collection of Belfast images includes black and white and colour postcards which capture and celebrate over 100 years of a bustling, growing city. The city’s parks, churches, shopping precincts and landmarks are available as well as the many profiles of the city’s residents and workers who peer out from the past.

The images can be purchased individually or in groups and can be bought as prints, posters or mugs, Prices range from around £10.00 for a print to around £50.00 for a large poster.

Monica McErlane, Deputy Librarian at the Linen Hall Library, says: “The start of the digitisation of the Linen Hall Library material is the most significant development in the Library for many years. It confirms our dedication to embracing modern technology and making use of those channels to bring our invaluable collections to the world. The postcards will be of interest to a wide market including tourists, researchers, ex-pats, historical groups and academics.”
The Linen Hall Library postcard collection can be accessed directly at

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