
Friday 4 March 2011

Unlock the Past's New Zealand genealogy cruise - speakers

Following on from my visit to Australia last October I was very kindly invited by organiser Alan Phillips of Unlock the Past to join his team of speakers, which I was very honoured to accept. The first fruit of that is that I will be taking part in a genealogy cruise around New Zealand and October from November 21st - December 5th, as previously announced a fortnight ago - see

There is now some additional information on the speaking team who will be participating on the cruise, which will be mainly themed on Scottish and Irish research. As well as yours truly, also speaking will be Shauna Hicks, Keith Johnson, Rosemary Kopittke, Dan Lynch (tbc) and Perry McIntyre - full biographies can be seen at Other speakers will be confirmed in due course.

I'm very much looking forward to it, as are my wife and boys who will be coming along. Both the boys will be celebrating their birthdays whilst we are at sea, so I am going to have to think of a creative way to celebrate that - perhaps let them off the rowing for a day? We'll see! lol :)

Also, I've been informed by Linda Reid of the Ontario Genealogical Society that places are fast disappearing for the Scottish Family History Workshop in Toronto on June 18th, at which I will also be participating - for more, see

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet (Even newer book!)

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