
Saturday 2 April 2011

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet - down under

My latest book, Tracing Your Family History on the Internet, is now available from Gould Genealogy in Australia, priced at $32.95.

Gould is the parent company behind the Unlock the Past venture down under - and I have another book on its way exclusively written for them on Scottish church records, detailing the history of the Kirk, non-conformist and other faiths, and all importantly the records they generated and where (and how) to find them.

More soon!



  1. Hi Chris

    Do you plan to have your book on Scottish Church Records published in Scotland?

    Ian McNeill Cert PG(Genealogy)

  2. Hi Ian,

    Not at the moment, I'm afraid, it has been commissioned by an Australian company for distribution there, following a lecture tour I did down under last year which included it as one of the topics discussed.

    At the moment I'm just waiting to learn what the new website address is for the National Records of Scotland before I submit it! Nearly there...!

