
Monday 23 May 2011

Army Children's Grave Register

Clare Gibson has posted an update on the Army Children Archive website about a new database, the Army Children Graves Register.

From Claire's blog:

There was a time when their wives and children accompanied British soldiers on active service, and it is well documented that many died on the march (for example, during the Peninsular War’s retreat to Corunna, in Spain, from 1808 to 1809). Britain also once had an extensive empire that required defending, which is why the last resting places of numerous army children can be found in such far-flung countries as Malta, Hong Kong, Ireland and India, where they had often died of indigenous diseases. And in recent times, it has been (West) Germany – ‘home’ for many army children over the past century – that has primarily provided the foreign fields where British soldiers’ children who died prematurely now lie.

The full story is at with the register itself at

(With thanks to Clare Gibson via Twitter)


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