
Saturday 21 May 2011

BBC launches Ulster Scots website

I'm delighted to see that the BBC has launched a new website entitled Ulster-Scots at, with a stated mission to allow users to "Discover the culture, learn the language, unlock the history and enjoy the programmes".

The site was launched at an event in Donaghadee three days ago, and through it you can delve in and learn new words like "lilty", listen to the latest episodes of the radio series "A Kist o Wurds" (now on series 26, having first started in 2002), or even study a fourteen part course entitled "Learn Ulster Scots".

A chance to discover true Ulster Scottish heritage, and not that hijacked by the muppetry of Orangeism over the last 200 years (not a DUP press release in site!). I don't say it much these days, but for this, a big thumbs up to the BBC!

I will have to get my kids onto it - it might help them understand me when I say to them that if they don't get their gutties on and stop acting like wee hallions, they won't get a poke!

(With thanks to @ScotsinAmerica on Twitter)


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