
Saturday 14 May 2011

Cambuslang Boys Brigade centenary appeal

The following has been received from Richy Black at 229th Glasgow Company of the Boys Brigade:

Did you grow up in Cambuslang? Were you involved in the Boys Brigade? If so, the 229th Glasgow Company, based in Cambuslang Parish Church, would like to hear from you.

The company will be turning 100 later this year, and is looking for former boys and officers to help celebrate this auspicious occasion. Events currently being planned include an open evening, with display of photos and memorabilia from the company's history, a dinner and of course a church parade. Full details of these events are still to be confirmed, but all are scheduled to take place over the weekend of 21-23 October 2011.

Over its 100 years the company has gone under several designations, beginning life as the 3rd Cambuslang based in Rosebank Church. A merger with the 2nd Cambuslang company (West Parish Church) came about in 1916, when most of the companies' officers were away fighting in the First World War. After the war, the boys of the joint company were less than keen to separate from their new friends, and so it was a single company which joined Glasgow Battalion in 1922, renamed the 192nd Glasgow company in the process. Battalion re-organisation in 1926 saw the company re-numbered again, this time as the 229th Glasgow company, the designation still in use today.

The company would be delighted to hear from any former members, however old or young, by any of the means listed below:

Telephone: 0141 634 4359
Twitter: @229turns100

229 Glasgow Company, Boys' Brigade, Cambuslang Parish Church, 1 Arnott Way, Cambuslang, G72 7JQ

(Image of 229th from the 60s courtesy of Robert Allison /


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