
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Irish Resources Online talk in Toronto

On June 18th I will be giving a series of talks in Toronto as part of a full day Scottish Family History Workshop, organised by at the Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society and the Canadiana Department of North York Central Library, with additional Scottish themed talks also given by Marian Press (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto) and James F. S. Thomson (University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies). If you have yet to purchase a ticket for that event I regret to say that you are too late, with the event now fully booked up!

However, two days before the Scottish workshop I will also be doing a presentation in Toronto on "Irish Resources Online", one of the most popular talks which I regularly give here in Scotland. Normally when I do this talk I try to cram as much in within an hour slot as possible, and it is never long enough - so the good folks at the Toronto branch of the OGS have agreed to allow me an hour and a half this time, spread over two 45 minute sessions!

The following is the description of the event from the society's website:

Irish Resources Online - Thursday, June 16, 7:30 pm

A PRESENTATION FOR IRISH FAMILY HISTORIANS : Chris Paton, author of the new publication Tracing Your Family History on the Internet, will be speaking on the topic of "Irish Resources Online" on the evening of Thursday, June 16, commencing at 7:30 pm in the Gold Room, North York Memorial Hall (Concourse level, opposite the Burgundy Room). This will be a two-part lecture with an opportunity to mix and mingle at half-time.

Please assist us with planning by pre-registering your interest in attending. (E-mail the Education Committee at with the subject line "Irish lecture" or sign up at the Education Committee table at an upcoming monthly meeting.) Please note in your email if you are an OGS member for the reduced rate.

Registration fee payments will be accepted at the door from 7pm onwards as follows:

Pre-registered OGS members : $10.
Pre-registered non-members : $15
At the door OGS members : $15.
At the door non-members : $20

After June 13, no pre-registration. Registration at the door, only if space permits, after 7:15. Check the website for updates and details.

There is further information both on the Irish talk on the 16th and the Scottish workshop on the 18th at - I am very much looking forward to seeing you all there!


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