
Saturday 14 May 2011

Tracing Your Family History on the Internet reviews

Time to abuse my own blog again...!

I was flabbergasted to learn yesterday that in just two months my latest book, Tracing Your Family History on the Internet, has sold more copies than my Researching Scottish Family History book has done in the whole of the last year!

Thanks to those who have already purchased it, I hope it is of great assistance with your research, and thank to those also who have provided some great and supportive reviews. Here are links to a few:

Federation of Family History Societies -
"This is an invaluable and up-to-date handbook."

Anglo-Celtic Connections -
"Newcomers to family history, likely attracted by the title, will find good value in this handy reference."

Copies of reviews are also on the Pen and Sword website at, including:

Who Do You Think You Are magazine
"This book provides links to a staggering number of genealogical websites, and there is sure to be something here for everyone."

Kate (customer from Amazon)
"This useful and informative book is sure to be an excellent guide and addition to your collection."

MB (customer from Amazon)
"The clear layout of the guide helps the reader to excerpt all the useful information making the family history search a thrilling adventure."

The UK's Family Tree magazine has also given some much appreciated comments:
"Chris takes us on a whistle stop tour of the internet, pausing only to advise the the less wary on how to avoid the pitfalls... a perfect introduction for web-going family historians"

And from Your Family History magazine:
"Chris Paton's book - thorough and nicely set out so as what we want can easily be found - will without a doubt fall into the 'best-thing-since-sliced-bread' category... a wonderful book and a first class piece of research by the author"

(Pass the smelling salts someone! lol)

The book itself is cover priced at £12.99, but can be obtained from publishers Pen and Sword through the above link for £10.39, plus p&p.

By the way, Researching Scottish Family History is an equally useful tome, and can be bought for £7.95 from As with Tracing your Family History on the Internet it can also be purchased at the ScotlandsPeople Centre in Edinburgh. If you are in Oz, keep an eye out also for my next book, out soon, Discover Scottish Church Records, from Unlock the Past (, which will be AU$ 19.50.

And finally, do keep your eyes out much later in the year for my latest project. It's 1866 Perthshire, cattle plague is ravaging the land and poachers are hard at work across the estates. And on a farm hidden behind a small hillock in Lower Strathearn - there's been a murrderrr...

(Updated 22 and 23 MAY)


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