
Tuesday 14 June 2011

Toronto bound...

I'll be heading off to Canada early tomorrow morning in order to visit the Toronto branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (, where I will be giving a series of talks on Thursday (Irish Resources Online) and Saturday (four Scottish based talks on God, land, weaving and murder!). I'm very much looking forward to going, to meeting members of the society and hopefully to reporting on any developments of interest on the blog either whilst there or when I return. Not quite sure how frequently I may be able to post, but will do my best to keep you up to date with anything I come across whilst away!

If any Icelandic volcanoes plan on erupting over the next few days, please do reconsider...

A quick reminder that the SAFHS annual conference is next week, on June 25th in Edinburgh, with more info available at I sent off a cheque for my ticket yesterday, so hope to be there for the talks (particularly the two church records based talks!) and to visit some stalls, so hopefully I may see some of you there!



  1. Have a good trip Chris. I am looking forward to your lectures.

  2. Thanks Ruth, see you there. Incidentally, had a quick look through the will today, it's extremely detailed and absolutely packed with all sorts of feudal shenanigans, so may be best to chat about it after the session on land records. I won't have time to go through it in detail but will hopefully be able to give a general idea of what's happening - hoping to look at it on the plane tomorrow in more detail!


  3. Safe trip to Toronto! Be prepared ... your eager fans will no doubt mob you on Saturday!
    - Brenda
